Hawzah News Agency - The magnanimous Imam Sajjad (a.s.) lived for almost thirty-four years after the Karbala event, in an Islamic environment of that time. His life history is full of lessons; hopefully, those who are aware of the qualities of his life, will relate them to the people: to Muslims and even non-Muslims, so that everybody learns how our fourth great Imam (as), after Ashura, which was a huge blow to the pure and true Islam, managed to stand alone and prevented the destruction a religion's foundation.
It is quoted that after Imam Sajjad (a.s.) returned to Medina, following the event of Ashura, a person came to him and said: 'Son of Prophet! See what has happened because you went there!' The caravan returned with only one man — Imam Sajjad (a.s.); the women were captured, suffered, and mourned; Imam Hussain (a.s.) was no longer among them; neither Aliakbar nor the infant child were left among them. Imam Sajjad (a.s.) replied to that person: 'Think what would have happened, if we had not gone!' Yes, if they had not gone, the bodies would have survived, but the truth would have been destroyed; the souls would have melted; their consciences would have been trampled; the wisdom and logic would have been condemned throughout history, and even the name of Islam would not have remained.
Imam Khamenei
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